We are proud to support our client’s farm practices with one of the most advanced farm mapping services available. Our unique farm mapping service gives you a full map of your entire farm including GPS sizes for each paddock, paddock numbering, total area, and even takes the size of your laneways into account. Our farm mapping service gives you the added advantage of a more technical approach and practice to allow for a better outcome and return on investment.
What are the benefits of farm mapping?
Advance mapping is a handy reference to help assist management of orders for your property, with the support of knowing what area and how much product is required for an accurate order and precise application. With online system access to your detailed farm map, you can ensure you know exactly what area requires the exact amounts of fertiliser and/or soil amendments. Overall, the accuracy of measuring and precision of application is increased, ultimately saving you costs.
Farm Mapping as a farm management tool
Also used as a communication tool across farm staff, our advanced farm mapping service may assist your staff carrying out day-today operations, such as ensuring accurate delivery of fertiliser and soil amendment products to the advised areas, help in developing meaningful budgets and assistance for future farm planning. Further, farm mapping aids in the guidance of expansions such as irrigation development, farm conversions and meeting environmental management needs. Overall the farm mapping tool we at Gibson Groundspread provide to our customers, gives you accurate measurements of your properties various areas for both herd and cropping management.